Wednesday 1 September 2010

Emmerdale Soap Trailer

This trailer follows similar conventions to the Coronation Street trailer, outlining the main plot line of what happening in the programme. Like in Coronation Street, the trailer appears to be advertising more than one episode.
Mise en Scene

In this trailer all of the characters are wearing black, symbolising death. This is because the storyline is based around the death of one of the characters. Because the black clothing connotes death, a person can watch the trailer and gain an understanding into what the episodes will be based around without having to actually know what happened earlier in the soap. the police uniforms also connote that there's been criminal activities going on, similarly to the Coronation Street trailer.


The sound plays a very important role in this trailer. The diegetic sound reveals the character's thoughts and feeling of the situation as well as giving the episode some mystery which the audience will have to watch to find answers to. The non-diegetic voice over provokes questions which will also need to be answered by watching the soap. The non-diegetic music is fitting to the situation as it is quite sinister and mysterious sounding.

Camera angles

Close ups are used to show each of the characters reactions and emotions, giving an idea of who feels guilt etc. This helps the audience to understand what is going on better even if they haven't seen the soap before. Extreme close ups are used to highlight key objects in the trailer, like the credit card, the telephone and the flowers.


The narrative is very fully outlines in the trailer, giving an idea of who's guilty and who's not as well as giving an idea of what is actually going to happen in the episode. The trailer has a very conventional narrative for a soap opera trailer.


The titles in the trailer are all at the end of the trailer, like in the other two trailer and, like the Coronation Street trailer, just the name of the soap and the ITV logo are shown. The ITV logo is also shown throughout. This is a very conventional way to put the titles in a soap trailer.


The editing of the trailer creates a smooth flowing narrative and almost gives the feel that this trailer is an episode in itself. Every line said fits in with the line in the next clip used. This makes the trailer easy to follow whilst giving the audience an idea of who's involved and what the storyline is actually about. A small montage of clips also shows the audience every character which is involved in this main plot line.

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