Friday 24 September 2010

Group Update

Recently, me and my group have been working on the storyline for our soap trailer. To do this, we have come up with the first two episodes for our new soap named "The Walthams". To show our storyline ideas, we created a video in which we showed the rough ideas of what happens in each storyline. For this, I spoke about some of the clips in the video and helped to film it. We also did some other work, including creating character profiles and making comparisons to characters in other soaps. These two things were made by other members of my group, whilst I created a flow chart about the 3 main story lines in our first two episodes.

During the coming-up with story lines, we also discussed the name for our soap. We came up with many names but finally settled on one of my ideas which is "The Walthams". I got the idea from the name of the place we've proposed to film the soap (Great Waltham) and thought it sounded quite catchy. It also fits in with the soap convention of naming the soap after the place in which it's set.

Most recently, we made a storyboard showing a rough outline of what happens in our soap trailer. In the making of this piece, I contributed by drawing 4 of the cells. I also managed to spell "Walthams" wrong in one of the cells!

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