Wednesday 1 September 2010

Coronation Street Trailer

This trailer is quite a conventional soap trailer which outlines the plot of not one episode, but a whole week's episodes.


The first thing noticeable about this trailer is that it's very gloomy and dark, connoting negativity and giving an idea about the sort of storyline the episodes being advertised will involve. Apart from the police officers (who connote that there's criminal activity), most of the characters are wearing black which connotes death and mourning, meaning that someone might die in the episodes.


The trailer uses both non-diegetic and diegetic sounds, with a large focus on the non-diegetic sounds to give an outline of the plot. The non-diegetic voice over reveals that an old character has left prison and is out for revenge. The diegetic dialogue used helps to understand the plot, with one of the characters gossiping to reveal that the man actual escaped from prison and the other characters showing fear about his escape. This means that even if you've never watched the soap before you can understand the situation and gather that it's a dangerous person on the loose. The music is quite fast paced and up-beat, almost as though it's supposed to connote a chase, which fits as the male character is running from the police and he's hunting down some of the other characters.


In this trailer, the plots of the week's episodes are outlines right up until the male antagonist says he's going to kill the 3 female characters. The trailer shows everything about the plot to give the audience an idea of what happens without giving away the outcome. This is quite a conventional way to advertise an even in soap operas.


Throughout the trailer is the ITV logo, but at the end is where the final title is with the name of the soap and when the episodes being advertised will be played. this is a regular convention of soap trailers.


The entire trailer cuts between the reactions of different cast members and the antagonist walking down a path. This works well as it makes it clear to the audience that the people are reacting to news about this man escaping from prison. the short, sharp cuts also create a faster pace in the trailer, showing the nature of the storyline. When the antagonist begins to turn towards the camera, it goes into slow motion. This makes it easier for the audience to see his sinister face. The slow mo also gives quite a dramatic effect and builds tension.

Camera angles

Low angle shots used on the antagonist and higher angle shots used on the other characters, especially the ones who in the most danger. This use of shots shows the difference in power between the antagonist and protagonists. There is also a reveal shot of the main antagonist walking down the street. This helps to build tension as you don't know who the caracter is until the last moment.

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