Friday 7 January 2011

Magazine First Draft Feedback

In order to get some feedback on my magazine cover, I have shown the rest of the class the draft and asked them to tell me what needs improving on it. In order to make it easier to review different factors of the magazine cover, I have put the feedback into different sections.


The cover as a whole needs more colour. At the moment there is a lot of white and not enough bright, eye-catching colours to draw the reader in.

The barcode is too big at the moment. The space it takes up could be used for larger pictures or even extra pictures to make the front cover seem more busy.

The banners are good and well positioned.


Not enough colour on the magazine cover.

The title needs to be brighter and more clear. At the moment the pale colour for the banner is too subtle.

Border the photos to bring the colour out better in them. Maybe also border the text.

Pub photo is too dark.


Needs more taglines on the images.

The barcode could maybe be repositioned to fit more images into the page.


Taglines need to be bigger, brighter and less bold in some cases to make them clearer to the readers.

Outline the text to bring it out better and make it more "hard hitting".

Make the text bigger in some cases to help it stand out on the cover.

Typical Conventions

Needs a date to fit in with the typical conventions of a soap magazine.

Needs to say how often it's sold (weekly, monthly etc.).

The page needs to be busier in order to fit in with another convention of soap magazines.

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