Wednesday 5 January 2011


In order to get some feedback, we have shown our rough cut to the class and asked them to tell us what they like and dislike. Here's what they said:

  • The titles worked well in the trailer and nicely fitted the conventions of soap trailers. They also like how we've used a moving image with the title on it and think it's quite quirky.

  • The trailer could maybe do with something before the first scene. They feel it cuts into the action too quickly, not giving it time to build up.

  • They didn't understand why Jasmine put on an accent in her scene (the pub scene). They thought it appeared as though she was overacting in the scene.

  • Liked how there were three different story lines shown in the trailer, each clearly shown making it easy to follow.

  • The trailer needs some music which fits with the different scenes. As the different stories are so different to each other at some points, one single track probably wouldn't be fitting throughout the trailer.

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