Sunday 31 October 2010

Auditions and final script

Finishing off the final script by making improvements to the initial script meant we could start auditioning people for the roles. This was quite a simple process but finding people for each role proved harder than we had expected. We eventually got auditionees for each role and everything went quite smoothly. When it came to auditioning the role of Jenny's parent we had initially stated that we wanted the character to be Jenny's mum but we auditioned a male, forgetting what we had already said. Because the person we auditioned played the role so well, we decided to change the character to be Jenny's step dad. We had to make him her step dad because they are from different ethnic backgrounds.

To amend this, I created a new character profile for Jenny's step dad including new background information and a new costume list.

Final Script
Audition videos
Casting Information
Jenny's guardian character change

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